Bomstein, Zachary

Posted on November 08, 2021


Zachary Bomstein, M.S., RDN
Graduate Assistant
Email: [email protected]

Brief Bio

Having joined Dr. Allred’s lab in August of 2021, Zach is conducting research into cancer biology and the nutrients/environmental toxins which govern the disease’s progression and prevention.  Zach is a 2021 graduate of East Carolina University, where he received his M.S in Nutrition Science as well as his Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) credential.  He received his B.S. in Nutrition and Dietetics from Appalachian State University in 2019.  Zach’s past research has been centered around the relationship between micronutrients and disease prevention. At Appalachian State, he worked in the lab of Dr. Martin Root and analyzed chemicals concentrated in the skins of apples known as triterpenoids, compounds with known anti-inflammatory effects. At East Carolina University, he worked closely with Dr. Richard Baybutt and studied the relationship between vitamin A and lung cancer, as well as vitamin A and bone homeostasis.  In the future, he hopes to conduct research with the goal of integrating pre-clinical, food-based science into functional dietetics/medical practice.