This 1927 photograph shows the Home Economics Building, as seen from McIver Street

The Department of Food, Nutrition, and Food Service Management was formed in the School of Home Economics (later known as The School of Human Environmental Sciences and now part of the School of Health and Human Sciences). In 1975 the School of Home Economics created six specialized departments, one of which was the Department of Food, Nutrition, and Food Service Management.


The department joins the School of Health and Human Sciences.


The Department of Nutrition and Foodservice Systems becomes the Department of Nutrition.


Department of Food, Nutrition, and Food Service Management becomes the Department of Nutrition and Foodservice Systems.


The School of Home Economics merges with the Department of Social Work to form the School of Human Environmental Sciences.


Department of Food, Nutrition, and Food Service Management is formed.


1972, the School of Home Economics is comprised of five divisions, including the Foods and Nutrition Division.